Recently in Salt Lake City (of course) there was a very interesting conference. I thought it may help those that are interested (and maybe unaware) of this conference to have all of the talks available in one place. So please find the youtube videos and audio’s that you can download if you want below.
Some of the best people in the world (as far as I am concerned at least) on this subject are speaking here and it is so worth the time to listen. Some of the talks are not up yet and will be added as they become available.
For those if you in the UK that are Ex-Mormon or maybe just interested Christians. Would you like to see a conference like this in the UK? I really would, please get in touch and let me know if you feel the same way.
Earl Erskine – Former Mormon Bishop
Earl Erskine – Former Mormon Bishop (left click to listen, right click, save link as to download)
Doris Hanson – Host of Polygamy What Love is this?
Doris Hanson speech at From Mormonism To Christianity Conference 2014
Kathy Baker – The Reliability of the Bible
Kathy Baker – The Reliability of the Bible
Lee Baker – Former Mormon Bishop – Teaching Mormons….Mormonism
Lee Baker – Teaching Mormons…. Mormonism
Aaron Shafovaloff – Matthew For Mormons
Aaron Shafovaloff – Matthew For Mormons
Andy Poland – President of Concerned Christians.
Andy Poland speaking at From Mormonism To Christianity Conference 2014